
Driving diversity and inclusion in VC: the impact of the Newton Venture Program

Breaking down barriers the VC runs programmes for under-represented people to gain venture careers

Survey reveals lack of training fuels discrimination against sexual minorities

VinciWorks offers trial of film-based training to combat discrimination

How can businesses bridge the digital divide?

Companies have a role in supporting digital equity in the workplace

Business Disability Forum wants to hear from you!

Share your experience of using and managing workplace adjustments

Disability Action Plan must be a Government priority says Forum

Plans announced as Ricoh launches new affinity group

Apex Group adds Diversio’s powerful AI technology to DEI Solution

A global financial services and AI-powered platform focus on best practice

The Women in IT Awards UK 2023 shortlist revealed!

The prestigious ceremony takes place on the 23rd February, 2023

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE fronts new campaign to recruit more Black STEM teachers

STEM from Black campaign aims to bolster diversity across teaching

Why a shared language and empathy are key to DE&I at Babbel

Babbel is committed to becoming an anti-discriminatory and inclusive company

How can employers attract the best talent

Four priorities will enable companies to meet the needs of their staff