Equal Pay

Will Pay Be Restored? Fingers Crossed

A new Korn Ferry survey shows leaders are optimistic that they won’t have to keep reducing worker pay—and may even be able to restore it.

CBI urges firms to reveal ethnicity pay gap data

New CBI guide shares key recommendations on how companies of all sizes can ‘Bridge the Gap’ in ethnicity pay.

Contentstack: one diverse team, one inclusive dream

Content management system pioneer Contentstack is reaping the benefits of having a diverse workforce, as CEO Neha Sampat reveals.

Data Innovators join forces to launch ‘Fast-Track Gender Pay Gap’ service

New fast track analytics services makes it easier for companies to comply with UK gender pay gap reporting legislation.

Empty gestures and passive policies aren’t enough – it’s time for change

Chris Parke, CEO of Talking Talent, looks back on companies’ lack of D&I efforts in 2019 and what needs to change in 2020.

Women in 2019 earnt up to £12,319 less than their male colleagues

Starling reveals how women still earn between £348 to £10,006 less per year than their male colleagues across 25 industries.

Getting global EQUAL-SALARY certified gives a voice to diversity and inclusion

Philip Morris International (PMI) is the first multinational employer to obtain the global EQUAL-SALARY certification.

Gender pay gap has halved in the last 20 years

The current gender pay gap is only half of what it was 20 years ago. That is according to an analysis of salary data by the Association of Professional Staffing Companies (APSCo)

Negotiating techniques to tackle the gender pay gap

Rachel Massey, Director of Communications and negotiation expert at Huthwaite International, discusses how to negotiate a pay raise in the gender pay gap climate.

Why employers should care about the gender pay gap

Clare Parkinson, Pay and Reward expert at HR consultancy Croner, looks at why employers should care about the gender pay gap.