Search results for: bias in the hiring process

60 seconds with: Nadia Harris on why remote work is here to stay

The world of work is becoming people-centric and companies need to adapt

How the male-dominated finance and tech industries can attract more women

Inclusive work environments offer better opportunities for employees

Organisations should care about DEI if they want to thrive

The case for DEI is clear and here’s how leaders can get started

Balancing recruitment and DE&I needs amid the Great Contemplation

Organisations are struggling to keep their focus on purposeful recruitment

Dispelling the myths around workplace diversity, equity and inclusion

Hogan Assessments takes a look at popular DEI and work-life preconceptions

How tackle the gender pay gap behind the salary war headlines

Women of colour feel compelled to change to fit in at work

Hira Wasif at Alva Labs once considered changing her name…

The Greenhouse way to growing a diverse team    

The hiring software company knows how to cultivate diverse talent

DE&I: time for tangible results

HireVue discusses how AI can best support businesses with their DE&I strategies

Legal & General: creating an inclusive workplace involves truly listening

Henry Jones shares how Legal & General is making good progress on its DEI journey