Search results for: Wellbeing

Businesses should use Brexit as an opportunity to upskill workers

Brexit is causing a lot of change and unknown within businesses, which is causing employees to experience anxiety and stress. Businesses should counter this by upskilling their workers.

How confident are we when talking about mental health at work?

1 in 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace. Which industries are working the hardest to bring these figures down?

Alexander Mann Solutions invests in diversity and inclusion with new hire

Alexander Mann Solutions has hired Paul Modley as the Director of Talent Acquisition and Diversity & Inclusion, exemplifying the company’s desire to promote a more diverse and inclusive environment.

Mental health allies lead the way in MediaCom’s inclusion strategy

The MediaCom mental health ally scheme, novel recruitment process, and reverse mentoring are fostering an inclusive environment

Maternity as A Masters: life experiences turned into business skills comes to the UK

Life Based Value plans to establish Maternity as a Masters in international markets, starting with the UK, after securing £1.3 million

Three steps to help women access technical retraining

Over £3bn could be added to the UK economy if more women took on STEM careers. It’s never too late to start a new career. Kate Koehn, Program Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS), explains how technical retraining helped her do just that.

Cultivating a fair workplace: the Nursing & Midwifery Council way

Diversity and inclusion, internally and externally, is high on the agenda at the Nursing & Midwifery Council. Here’s why…

Leading entrepreneur PropElle(s) UK female property investment network

One of Britain’s brightest female entrepreneurs under 35 launches UK female property investment network PropElle in a mission to empower historically underrepresented groups.

How businesses can attract, onboard, and retain college graduates

Tips on how businesses can better their workplace, so that it appeals to college graduates and prevents them from wanting to leave.

Top 9 women founders leading the UK’s high-growth UK scale-ups

With female entrepreneurs overlooked by venture capitalists, the UKBAA nominates its top nine women founders of high-growth businesses.