Search results for: Equality Act 2010

The uncertainty around legal protection for the transgender community

Lawyer & author Abi Silver explains the legal issues that are affecting the trans community

EHRC warns retailers about face mask discrimination

Retailers risk violating the Equality Act 2020 if they refuse customers who are exempt from wearing face coverings

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

There is little sign of improvement for gender inclusivity in senior roles, tech and accounting industries in the UK

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

It’s no secret that a diverse workforce helps create a successful business—so why are so many organisations in the UK not gender-diverse? What needs to be done to change the status quo?

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: This Is Us Conference

While COVID-19 does not discriminate, this year’s This is Us Conference will show society still has a way to go

Insurance companies discriminate against some clients

Despite ‘blanket or general’ policies that refuse cover being against the law

50% of employees are unaware of their maternity/paternity leave rights

New parents give birth to increasing discrimination through not understanding the maternity/paternity leave rights in their current role.

Trans discrimination in the workplace – how to protect your employees

There are 1.9 million trans people in the UK, and more than half of them have had negative workplace experience due to their gender identity.

How supported employment services can help employers

For companies employing people with disabilities, supported employment services can provide invaluable aid for employer and employee alike.

Eliminating discrimination one step at a time

Creating a fairer society where people are not treated differently because of the colour of their skin, their sex, gender, sexuality or religion is central to British values.
Protecting people from discrimination is central to achieving that, says the Commons Women and Equality Committee.