Search results for: talent gaps

Redefining processes to meet the needs of your modern workforce

Ignoring the needs of the modern workforce is no longer an option for progressive workplaces, explains Nelson Sivalingam, CEO at HowNow.

How HR can practically improve inclusivity using data

People analytics is a powerful tool that can aid HR professionals in their recruitment, retention, and culture efforts, say Hibob.

QA calls for radical overhaul of apprenticeships to boost social mobility

Apprenticeships minimum wage of as little as £3.90 an hour should be scrapped to turbo charge social mobility and support high tech growth.

Getting global EQUAL-SALARY certified gives a voice to diversity and inclusion

Philip Morris International (PMI) is the first multinational employer to obtain the global EQUAL-SALARY certification.

New £15,000 MBA scholarships for women launched by Oxford University

New scholorships for women launched by Oxford University in partnership with Intesa Sanpaola, levels the educational playing field.

Diversity and Inclusion: Better inclusion equals a bigger pie for everyone

In this interview, Diana Cruz Solash tells DiversityQ about her plans to transform Infor into a leader in inclusion and diversity by setting the right policies, programmes and culture.

Let’s talk about race. Project Race: big, bold and brave on diversity and inclusion

Rob Neil is a long serving civil servant and for the last three years was head of the Ministry of Justice’s Project Race a fixed term and radically new effort aimed at supporting the department’s diversity and inclusion aims and turning the dial on race equality.

ONS figures reveal an Ethnicity Pay Gap far worse than the gender gap

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) reveal the latest Ethnicity Pay Gap figures – the disparity in pay for different ethnic groups across the UK.

5 reasons why businesses can’t afford to not be inclusive

Many businesses preach about the importance of being inclusive and everyone having a say in making decisions. Sometimes, however, reality doesn’t reflect this.

Snappy: gifting employees the perfect inclusive workplace environment

Hani Goldstein, CEO and Co-founder, shares some Snappy ideas on how to create a workplace culture of openness, acceptance, and one that cultivates forward-thinking ideas within a diverse workforce.