Search results for: networking

Research shows 26% of disabled people unable to use key apps

Businesses miss out on 3.5 million UK customers through inaccessible apps – and the £249 billion spending power of disabled people

The Appellate Project: empowering law students of colour to aim high

Empowering law students of colour to thrive in the highest US courts to reflect better the communities they serve

Disability equality cannot be parked during COVID, says conference

Leading non-profit membership organisation calls for urgent action from Government and business to change the narrative on disability inclusion

Remote leadership: providing support for distributed teams

Red Hat’s Stefanie Chiras explains the key to inclusive leadership when supported distributed teams

Taking time to cultivate an inclusive culture at Allianz is paying dividends

Employee networks, executive backing and public displays of its commitment to diversity and inclusion are driving cultural change at Allianz

Maintaining momentum on workplace mental health

Ahead of World Mental Health Day, the Business Disability Forum emphasises the need to prioritise mental wellbeing in the virtual workplace

How to support transgender employees the Allianz way

Understanding, inclusive managers and newly drafted policies make ‘coming out’ a lot easier for transgender employees at Allianz

How women in the creative industry can support each other online

A new platform for women and non-binary people in the creative industry has become a success

Management consulting’s diversity problem—and why you should care

The Black Lives Matter movement has spurred a renewed sense of energy around issues of corporate diversity and inclusion

How young female graduates can turn challenges into opportunities

Despite the unrelenting noise surrounding the gloomy economy, there are opportunities to be had for young female graduates