Search results for: networking

Lockdown lessons from 2020: share your Disability Smart Stories

How has your organisation been disability smart during the pandemic? The Business Disability Forum wants to know.

Women in IT set to be a virtual success

As the #1 Startup Coach in the World 2019, Alisa Cohn has a lot to say about getting ahead as a female entrepreneur in tech.

Gender diversity in the boardroom has a long way to go

Clare Dobie is a non-executive director of three investment trusts and an advocate for more women in senior positions

Why private equity offers a “brilliant career for women

Fewer women work in private equity than in any other area of the financial sector

Postgraduate female tech startups: do universities have an influence?

Only 7% of computer science graduates in the UK are female, setting a worrying precedent for the tech startup industry.

Female Ventures Fund to invest £10m in women-only start-ups in first year

New venture capital fund led by and for women will address inequality of just 1% of VC money going to women-only start-ups

Gender-investment gap: Why male venture capitalists come out on top

Britain’s Gender-Investment Gap accelerates with venture capitalists’ investment in all-female founding start-ups almost non-existent

MyGWork strengthens LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion during COVID-19

Global recruitment and networking organisation myGwork launches platform to help LGBTQ+ professionals through COVID-19.

International Women in Engineering Day: taking a step in the right direction

Even though the tech industry has evolved greatly, only one in five jobs are held by women in the wider engineering sector as a whole.

Global Woman Lobby: empowering businesswomen during a pandemic

New online platform Global Woman Lobby gains over 3,000 members in over 38 countries in first week of launch.