Women in business

Women battle cultural expectations in leadership roles

There may be more female leaders today, but they face cultural burdens their male counterparts don’t

Have you registered for the 2021 Women in IT Summit UK?

The Women in IT Summit 2021 seeks to shift the narrative on equality and representation in tech

Why female experience sharing is important in the tech sector

Manuel discusses the power of building female alliances in the male-dominated tech sector

American Century Investments hires two senior female HR leaders

The $228 billion global investment manager is building an HR team of seasoned female professionals

Ogilvy veteran Fiona Gordon is new UK CEO

Fiona Gordon is Ogilvy UK’s new CEO and her role starts with immediate effect

Natalie Hausia-Haugen Joins Auth0 as first Head of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The former DEI and employee engagement lead at Nike and Target takes on a new role

Why are UK workplaces lacking a miscarriage policy?

Digital marketer Hallam and Monzo are among the first UK businesses to introduce a miscarriage policy

Protecting the ethnic minority agenda in the workplace is your duty. Here’s how to start

Here are six ways to safeguard people of colour and banish racism from your workplace

Cybersecurity: A petri dish for D&I?

Cybersecurity can be a rewarding sector for women where skills and knowledge are valued over identity, but you must be proactive, says Arcanum Operations Director, Jane Chappell

New mentorship programme seeks to counter female quit rate in tech

The new initiative aims to build impactful female networks in tech