Search results for: workplace equality

Women’s Entrepreneurship Index highlights gender equality fight prevails

Gender equality in the workplace, unfortunately, still prevails. But if women think the answer is to set up on their own, they may need to think again.

The world has made huge advances in treating HIV. Some workplaces still need to catch up

How to avoid workplace discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace continues to be an issue, despite being against the law

Executives Driving Gender Equality – Flexible Working Think Tank

Big or small be mindful of good mental health wellbeing in the workplace

Penny Power is an author, entrepreneur and business owner who openly admits to having struggled with her own mental health.

The Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustments

Demystifying some of the reasonable adjustments employers can make to comply with the Equality Act 2010 with Robin Christopherson MBE

Age discrimination in the workplace is slowly becoming passe

Cindy Galvin, executive coach & keynote speaker, explains why age discrimination in the workplace is slowly becoming passe and shares three ways to avoid it

A four day week is not the gender equality quick fix that it seems

In this weeks column, Julia Rampen explores proposals for a four day week and asks who benefits whilst inequalities in domestic life persist?

Gender identity and the Equality Act with Beverley Sunderland

What employers need to know about gender identity and policy.

Women’s Equality Day – Time for change in the STEM sector

The 26th August marks Women’s Equality Day, a US holiday that celebrates women everywhere and reiterates the importance of gender equality