Search results for: remote workin

Will online courses help women get confident about coding and tech careers?

The coding bootcamp reveals four main concerns women have around coding

Andela launches new platform to find the right fit in under two weeks

Andelas’s new platform goal is to create a better recruitment experience for talent and recruiters

20 ways to achieve organisational inclusion

Here are 20 things organisations can do to become more inclusive which could boost staff wellbeing, productivity and recruitment interest

Businesses can’t afford the luxury of DE&I fatigue

June Sarpong discusses DE&I and how to future proof your business

To be neurodiversity inclusive look at the whole workforce and avoid labels

It isn’t useful to divide staff into neurodiverse and neurotypical camps, says Professor Boddison

Flexibility for everyone contributes to gender equality in the workplace

Workplace flexibility won’t affect your bottom line

Diverse youth believe their identity(s) are barrier to employment

Diverse young people feel their protected characteristics are barring them from employment

Three ways to support neurodiverse employees in the workplace

Potential changes to your working policies to better support neurodiverse employees

A snapshot of available creative industries apprenticeships

DiversityQ hears about the apprenticeship programmes run to diversify the creative industries

Mental health: it’s time to encourage conversations at work

Onebright’s Sarah Carter calls for people to open up about their mental health