Search results for: allies

Healthcare provider signs pledge to end pinkwashing and improve “real” LGBT+ inclusion

A healthcare provider has proven that it’s serious about LGBT+ inclusion

Jane Craven and her mission to “remove stereotypes from tech”

Tech veteran and EPOS Sales Director Jane Craven has experienced her fair share of gender discrimination over the years. Now she wants to help those like her break through

Female technology leaders give advice on breaking into the industry

Female leaders from tech workforce development company, Pluralsight offer other women advice about breaking into the industry including what they’ve learned along the way

Confidence gaps and “systematic issues” bar women (and women of colour) from leadership roles

In yesterday’s online event, participants discussed the barriers holding women back from leadership roles in the tech industry

Has male-female allyship suffered during COVID-19?

The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study

Why International Women’s Day 2021 should be about allyship

Various socio-political movements have altered the meaning of International Women’s Day where intra and extra female support is required to stimulate long-term change and create real equality

Daisy Peets – Compassionate and Inclusive Leader – National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021

Peets talks about her central role in her Trust’s BAME network

Who runs the world? Girls – almost as female leaders in politics rise

Whether the VP, President, or PM, female leaders in politics posses an unfathomable strength of character, from which corporations can learn

Race equality: moving from sentiment to action

Co-founder of Race Equality Matters and CEO of diverse recruitment firm Green Park, Raj Tulsiani is making a final call to action to employers as Race Equality Week enters its final few days

Workplace racial equality initiative demands active change from businesses

A new initiative is demanding more from organisations in order to achieve racial equality in the workplace