Search results for: gender gap in STEM

Keep gender on the agenda in STEM – now more than ever

As the world relies on their work during the COVID-19 crisis, gender equality for women in STEM must remain on the agenda.

Unilever launches data service to ease Gender Pay Gap reporting

Launch of a new data analytical service set to take the strain out of Gender Pay Gap reporting for other employers.

Showing the love(lace) for women in STEM: working toward equality

Today marks Ada Lovelace Day – an international celebration of the achievements of women in STEM. Here six ‘un-stereotypical’ women share their love for the industries, and why businesses and education must encourage greater equality in STEM.

How STEMettes helps young women solve problems using tech

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon, Founder of Stemettes on improving STEM take-up in young women, staring in a music video and Brexit.

Women in tech – best practices for gender equality

Gender equality in the tech sector has a long way to go. Especially when tech’s leaky pipeline sees women leave the industry at a 45% higher rate than men.

Tackle gender stereotypes at work to have better inclusivity

Lead researcher Dr Jill Armstrong discusses gender stereotypes and bias at work and practical steps for improving inclusivity

How to encourage more girls to choose a career in STEM careers

There may not be a clear difference between female and male careers, but society certainly believes that some roles are more suited to girls and others to boys. But what happens when a girl wants to shed the stereotype and pursue a career in STEM?

Women in the automotive industry: Ford UK targeting the gender pay gap

Ford UK has diversity and inclusion firmly in its headlights, from enhanced maternity and paternity packages to diversity councils at local and national level.

IKEA: gender equality is a fundamental human right

Sari Brody, Global Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager at Ingka Group (IKEA), reveals how the company’s strategy for gender equality and bridging the gender pay gap is having a positive impact around the world.

My Bravest Year: tackling gender inequality in the tech industry

How female leaders in technology are learning to be brave, confident and more assertive to overcome gender inequality.