Search results for: gender gap in STEM

Bring the women back to tech, or risk a gender brain drain

TVSquared: why perfect is the enemy of good for women in STEM roles

Gapsquare: taking a leading role in shaping the future of fair pay

Gapsquare aims to square the pay gap disparities in the UK – and beyond.

Global trends report: AI, gender and “always-on” culture in the workplace

Reasons why businesses need to get ahead of the ethnic pay gap in 2019

Following the closure of the EPR consultation period, we caught up with Charlotte Billington, Pay Gap Strategy Lead at the EHRC, for a brief update.

Mind the gap and raise a collective ethnic voice for change

World Economic Forum: No change in 72% Artificial Intelligence skills gender gap

London tech scene must do better as it lags behind FTSE 100 on gender diversity

Supporting transgender workers in the Trump era

In this column, Liberty Martin makes the business case for employers to adopt a more inclusive environment for transgender and non-binary people in the workplace.

The coding diversity gap – National Coding Week 2018

We spoke to a range of experts and business leaders on the coding diversity gap