Search results for: etain and engage the best talent

BrightPlan launches equity compensation planner to help HR

Employees should better understand the value of equity capital

Sitecore hires Kim Sullivan as new CHRO

Kim Sullivan will ensure that teams feel engaged and supported

DE&I: time for tangible results

HireVue discusses how AI can best support businesses with their DE&I strategies

How can the public service improve its resources?

Public service resources at ‘breaking point’ but all is not lost…

Microlearning: Why ‘working small’ is often the key to ‘thinking big’

Stuart Affleck at Brook Graham explains the benefits that microlearning can bring to D&I training programmes

Why we can’t forget the ‘neurodiversity’ in cybersecurity

Neurodiversity inclusion is essential to any equitable workplace, Exabeam’s Gianna Driver sheds light on her firm’s direction

A diversity initiative that works: mthree’s Aspire programme

Becs Roycroft explains her firm’s award-winning initiative and why it stands out

BDF launches guide to creating inclusive spaces

Global report givers accesses to all in built environments

The sky is the limit for gender diversity in financial services

Role models are great, but without supportive policies, female talent could still leave

Boston Consulting Group’s Mai-Britt Poulsen shares results from their “Out@Work” report

One in five LGBTQ+ respondents believe coming out is a disadvantage at work says Mai Britt Poulsen