Sky Women In Technology Scholarship: Interactive Television
Freelance developer and XR designer Rebecca Saw details the impact of the Sky Women In Tech Scholarship after becoming a finalist.
Freelance developer and XR designer Rebecca Saw details the impact of the Sky Women In Tech Scholarship after becoming a finalist.
How can the tech industry embrace equality? Nick Ismail spoke to seven women about their personal experiences to find out.
For companies employing people with disabilities, supported employment services can provide invaluable aid for employer and employee alike.
Working from home has risen globally by 159% since 2005, and amid the COVID-19 outbreak, it has surged in popularity.
Want to know how to create a global culture in which multicultural teams can thrive? intive may have the answer.
Well done! But are your International Women’s Day efforts worth their salt and truly inspiring today’s women of the world?
While women continue to drive change in the working world, from flexible working to tackling the gender pay gap, much remains to be done.
Talking Talent calls on business leaders to stop being hypocritical and start driving female-centric coaching initiatives.
Hassell Inclusion is on a mission to make websites, phone apps and other digital products fully accessible to people with disabilities.
Developing a workplace culture of equality is not just the right thing to do. It’s a strategic imperative.