BioTalent Canada launches new programme for leaders in DE&I

Scheme recognises employers' inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility leadership

BioTalent Canada, a company that supports the people behind life-changing science, has launched the I.D.E.A.L. Biosciences Employer Recognition Program

This new recognition programme is for employers who demonstrate  Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility Leadership. And the main objective is to recognise organisations in the Canadian bio-economy that are leading the way in embodying the diverse and inclusive business principles necessary to promote the growth and success of the sector. 

It is important to note that the programme is not an award but an annual designation for which companies can apply and are awarded if they meet or exceed established criteria. Organisations that fail to achieve the designation will receive instructions and suggestions on how to improve.

Best practices

All organisations with less than 50 employees and more than 50 employees applying for I.D.E.A.L. recognition will be assessed and compared to the following IDEA best practices:

  • Alignment of IDEA with the organisation’s vision, values, strategies and results;
  • Leadership accountability for IDEA;
  • Measurement and evaluation of the organisation’s current IDEA efforts;
  • The priority the organisation gives to learning and awareness of IDEA;
  • How the organisation prioritises inclusive talent management practices;
  • The organisation’s efforts to create a culture of belonging; and
  • The organisation’s efforts to engage with external stakeholders: community, customers and suppliers.

At the same time, BioTalent Canada’s recent labour market study sounded the alarm about a serious talent shortage in the Canadian bio-economy, which could result in four job openings for every job seeker by 2029. 

One of the most important recommendations to address this shortage is for employers to diversify their recruitment and HR practices to reach a broader and more diverse talent pool.

“The industry is abysmal when it comes to the ability to recruit and retain Aboriginal Canadians and people with disabilities, among other under-represented groups. This is a huge loss for organisations,” said Rob Henderson, President and C.E.O. of BioTalent Canada. 

Mr Henderson continued: “While there are some examples of employers showing leadership by hiring with diversity and inclusion in mind, if more organisations don’t improve their cultures, or make sure their workplaces are welcoming and listen to these voices, how are we going to expect to grow our businesses, how are we going to achieve our business goals?

“The bottom line is that companies that have diverse and inclusive teams and boards perform better. All the statistics show this. By adopting these practices, you will build a more resilient and profitable business.”

BioTalent Canada, in collaboration with experts in diversity, inclusion, equity and accessibility, will release a series of resources highlighting the benefits to organisations when they attract a diverse and inclusive talent pool this summer.

For more information on the I.D.E.A.L. Recognition, visit

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