mental wellbeing

Alleviating the burdens of working mothers in COVID-19 and beyond

The pressures faced by working mothers can cause many to leave the workforce for good, this female founder believes that employers need to learn the lesson of flexibility if they want to retain them

Wellness lessons learnt in a year of working from home

Even if organisations go back to the office post COVID-19, employee values have changed for good

Why stigmas around leadership, talent, and mental health are holding organisations back

Empathetic leadership, openness about mental health and refugee recruitment are just three workplace stigmas Maryam Meddin is tackling through her business The Soke

Learning to code: inclusion and digital equality for girls need a shift in policy

iamtheCODE is doing all it can to empower young girls, encourage them to learn to code and embrace a brilliant career in tech

Daisy Peets – Compassionate and Inclusive Leader – National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021

Peets talks about her central role in her Trust’s BAME network

Anxious or Anxiety?: The signs and solutions to the anxiety crisis

The pandemic has triggered an anxiety crisis, and psychologist Tracey Moggeridge offers tips on managing it

Culture counts but iamtheCODE is pushing through to help girls in Africa

Women in Africa need safeguards, an education and a fairer legal system to achieve gender equality says Lady Mariéme Jamme

Senior management is failing to support workplace wellbeing, study finds

For businesses to implement effective mental wellbeing strategies, senior management must start providing better support

BAME people should make a case for more diversity

Centrepoint’s Seyi Obakin advocates for BAME leadership and, purging the world of the triggers of homelessness forever

Why leaders must act now to combat stress and survivor guilt

With the pandemic placing a huge strain on employees, survivor guilt is real. Here is how to confront its consequences