mental wellbeing

4 habits of highly successful businesswomen

The challenges businesswomen face may be surmountable, but it’s a lot easier when you pack your mental wellbeing case with the right tools

Teleperformance: putting employees’ first

Transferring 80% of its employees from office to home has helped Teleperformance weather the storm of the COVID-19 pandemic

Networking speaker shares mental health battle to support others during pandemic

Bella Rareworld wants to support other mental health sufferers during COVID-19

Why toxic positivity is dangerous and on the rise

Business psychologist Dr Lynda Shaw explains why toxic positivity is so damaging to wellbeing

Techfugees: empowering refugees through technology

The number of displaced people on the planet is close to 80 million – a population the size of Germany and a rich source of talent.

Race equality think tank Runnymede Trust responds to the Sewell report

A new Government report says institutional racism isn’t an issue, where its critics say it’s sabotaging growing allyship forged since Black Lives Matter

How are working women coping one year after lockdown?

Women in the technology sector reflect on what the last year of lockdown has been like

Do you practice ethical leadership within your workplace?

Phil Hadfield, Managing Director UK of Rockwell Automation, shares leadership tips on how to establish a positive work environment and maintain employee wellbeing

Does misconduct reporting need a tech upgrade?

Could anonymous misconduct reporting help employers deal with ethical workplace issues more effectively? UK energy supplier OVO Energy is trialling it among its workforce

How employers can secure equality for transgender people in the workplace

While incidents of violent abuse for trans employees is relatively low, lack of supportive infrastructure and microaggressions from colleagues is making some hide their identity