The possible impact of the Black Lives Matter campaign on companies

Henrietta Shirazu explains there are multiple ways to tackle racism in the workplace in the wake of the Black Lives Matters movement

30% club sets new targets to boost gender and ethnic diversity on boards

30% Club calls for British businesses to go beyond decade-old targets in the next three years with new goals

Zurich leads the charge publishing 2020 ethnic minority pay gap figures

Ethnicity pay report just the start of a sustained effort to support ethnic minority employees at insurance firm

BAME IT specialists better qualified, but less likely to be in top jobs

New BCS study reveals how BAME IT specialists are treated, despite the rising level of representation in the industry

Why failing to talk about race is fuelling the ethnicity pay gap

It has long been taboo to discuss ethnicity, yet change can only come about once we have these conversations.

Being a true white ally against racism

White CEOs are saying the right things now but taking some key bold actions may make this moment stick, says Korn Ferry D&I strategist Andrés Tapia.

New report reveals lack of representation in top FTSE 100 companies

An analysis of the boards of top UK companies reveals a continuing lack of black, Asian and minority ethnicity (BAME) representation.

A personal statement from Wol Kolade – Managing Partner, Livingbridge

Racism has many forms in all parts of society; impacting countless lives – including this successful black man living and working in the UK

Hear Me: Stories from Black Executives

From being denied promotions to getting accosted at airports, African Americans relay what happens to them that doesn’t to others …

Diversity and Inclusion: the recipe for a perfectly made organisational cake

A diverse and inclusive organisation is like a fruit cake with the ingredients spread evenly and consistently throughout the mixture