Search results for: workplace equality

Why diversity and inclusion are drivers for business growth

Leading firms discussed the diversity and inclusion strategies that are improving equity and business performance

Menopause support: the company using data to discover what women want

Through data, Health & Her know the menopause symptoms that affect wellbeing and productivity, and what workplace adjustments women want

Over half of employers don’t have a zero-tolerance approach to discrimination

Despite advances, UK firms still fall behind in their anti-discrimination strategies

DeltaNet offers solutions to rising DEI searches and discrimination claims

An e-learning provider is offering educational materials to meet growing interest in DEI and to combat rising discrimination claims

Understanding pronouns this Pride Month and beyond

Using incorrect pronouns can further alienate LGBTQ+ groups at work

Women of colour still need to change their identity to match corporate expectations

Many women of colour feel compelled to ‘whiten’ in the workplace to cope with discrimination and conform to sterotypical ‘norms

Women CEOs ‘DO’ make firms more profitable, finds research

Women CEOs can boost company profits, but leadership must support them into these positions

Culture Amp: commitment and resources are key to effective DE&I

Only four in 10 companies have a dedicated DE&I employee…

Corps Security’s Seetan Varsani on leading a transformative ED&I campaign

Varsani took a lead role in his firm’s Corps Together campaign to raise inclusion for all protected characteristics

Closing the gender health gap

2022: The year to revolutionise reproductive and female health in the workplace