Search results for: working women

Tackling board inequality with diverse junior talent

Concerns have rightfully been raised about the continuing lack of diversity in the boardroom.

What does an engineer look like? Exploring bias in British engineering

Almost a third of all engineering university graduates come from a non-white background, yet this number is not reflected in recruitment

Gender gap between paid and unpaid work has narrowed in 50 years

More men are taking on their share of unpaid work than ever before, yet a gap still remains in unpaid work.

Gender diversity in the boardroom has a long way to go

Clare Dobie is a non-executive director of three investment trusts and an advocate for more women in senior positions

SysAdmin Day: Time to Give Back to IT’s Unsung Heroes

System Administrators are the unsung heroes of any business, but they rarely get the recognition they deserve.

Insurance companies discriminate against some clients

Despite ‘blanket or general’ policies that refuse cover being against the law

Postgraduate female tech startups: do universities have an influence?

Only 7% of computer science graduates in the UK are female, setting a worrying precedent for the tech startup industry.

Future Stars in Tech Awards 2020: Diversity Advocate revealed!

Winning the Diversity Advocate Award at the Future Stars in Tech Awards 2020 is set to open new doors for Olivia Hake.

Digital workshops help the underrepresented into the legal sector

Web course aims to attract, recruit and help retain underrepresented and diverse talent in the legal sector.

The Asda equal pay battle continues to the Supreme Court

Equal pay dispute between Asda and its female employees reaches new stage in its development, and reaches the UK Supreme Court.