Search results for: working women

New legislation to help women at risk of being underpaid

Why businesses must look beyond ‘inspirational women’ to shrink the gender divide

Women make up half of the world’s population, and yet, in the workplace, they’re still considered the minority. It doesn’t quite add up.

Code First: Girls teaches 10,000 women to code for free in the UK

Over the past 5 years, Code First: Girls has delivered £6.75 million+ worth of free tech education across the UK and Ireland .

Women in FinTech: time to consign the concerns to history?

With the right working policies and role models, concerns about women in FinTech should be rapidly consigned to history.

TVSquared: why perfect is the enemy of good for women in STEM roles

New assessment shows how inclusive an organisation is towards women

To empower female businesswomen, we need to break down the myth of the self-made entrepreneur

Studies suggest that investors are biased against women. Fix this, and the business landscape could change as well

International Women’s Day – Why Balance is Better

International Women’s Day is a call-to-action for gender equality across the globe. The focus for this year is #balanceforbetter

Over 20% of male and female bosses discriminate against women of maternity age

Civica champions International Day of Women and Girls in Science