Search results for: working women

WeQual Awards aim to identify FTSE women leaders of the future

While talking to potential entrants and finalists for the WeQual Awards, CEO and Founder Katie Litchfield was “overwhelmed by the power of impostor syndrome”.

How STEMettes helps young women solve problems using tech

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon, Founder of Stemettes on improving STEM take-up in young women, staring in a music video and Brexit.

Working mums calling for more flexibility in the workplace

Despite numerous government policies to incentivise working mums in the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle.

The ‘internal roadblocks’ faced by women that defy country boundaries

While researching for her book, Her Way to the Top, Hira Ali uncovered the career limiting internal roadblocks faced by women across the globe.

Women in Defence: defence community delivers pledge for gender balance

Defence Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan launches Women in Defence Charter.

New £15,000 MBA scholarships for women launched by Oxford University

New scholorships for women launched by Oxford University in partnership with Intesa Sanpaola, levels the educational playing field.

Women in Asset Management: gender diversity exchange app tracks inequality

In our second Women in Asset Management interview, Sophie L’Helias, Founder and President of LeaderXXchange explains why she created the Gender Diversity Exchange app and the importance of having women in the Asset Management industry

Why women in tech need mentorship that goes beyond good intentions

PTC’s Hillary Ashton explains why mentorship must go beyond good intentions, and why women in tech aren’t getting all the advice they need.

Women in tech – best practices for gender equality

Gender equality in the tech sector has a long way to go. Especially when tech’s leaky pipeline sees women leave the industry at a 45% higher rate than men.

Women in Asset Management: proving gender is no longer relevant

For our Women in Asset Management Awards we spoke with two inspirational women about how to succeed, while supporting other women in the industry.