Search results for: working women

Nominations are open for the Women in IT Awards UK 2021

With the first nomination deadline on April 16th, it’s time to highlight the female tech leader that inspires you and your organisation

Alleviating the burdens of working mothers in COVID-19 and beyond

The pressures faced by working mothers can cause many to leave the workforce for good, this female founder believes that employers need to learn the lesson of flexibility if they want to retain them

Has COVID-19 unlocked womens’ potential in cybersecurity?

COVID-19 has been devastating to many sectors, but not cybersecurity were women are feeling more assured in their roles than ever before. But more work needs to be done to get women into the industry

The gender pension gap widens for women in their twenties

Women in their twenties will have to work 37 more years than men to achieve income parity

Confidence gaps and “systematic issues” bar women (and women of colour) from leadership roles

In yesterday’s online event, participants discussed the barriers holding women back from leadership roles in the tech industry

International Women’s Day: closing the women in technology equality gap

Rumblings on why there are so few women in technology continue to no end. Here leading women in tech are choosing to challenge the status quo

Why International Women’s Day 2021 should be about allyship

Various socio-political movements have altered the meaning of International Women’s Day where intra and extra female support is required to stimulate long-term change and create real equality

Spring Budget 2021: the outcome for BAME entrepreneurs, women, and older apprentices

The policies revealed in the Spring Budget focused on business survival during COVID-19. But they could also protect and empower more underrepresented groups in business than it intended

The Women in Asset Management Summit Transatlantic Edition is here: what to expect

The asset management sector hasn’t been as affected by COVID-19 as other industries; this year’s event will offer tips, insights, and advice on how women can lead the sector to new heights

PMI: How to de-bias tech to support women in STEM

Michael Voegele, Chief Technology Officer at Philip Morris International comes out in support of the UN Day for Women and Girls in STEM