Search results for: stem

Building an inclusive organisation: empathy is key to inclusion

In this guest article, diversity and inclusion expert Stephen Frost and co author Raafi-Karim Alidina, share an extract on the importance of empathy in the workplace from their latest book, Building An Inclusive Organization.

QA calls for radical overhaul of apprenticeships to boost social mobility

Apprenticeships minimum wage of as little as £3.90 an hour should be scrapped to turbo charge social mobility and support high tech growth.

Getting global EQUAL-SALARY certified gives a voice to diversity and inclusion

Philip Morris International (PMI) is the first multinational employer to obtain the global EQUAL-SALARY certification.

Disabled knowledge workers limited by outdated workplace technology

Six in ten disabled knowledge workers say their organisation “talks a good game about diversity without really acting.

Working mums calling for more flexibility in the workplace

Despite numerous government policies to incentivise working mums in the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle.

Women in Defence: defence community delivers pledge for gender balance

Defence Minister Anne-Marie Trevelyan launches Women in Defence Charter.

New £15,000 MBA scholarships for women launched by Oxford University

New scholorships for women launched by Oxford University in partnership with Intesa Sanpaola, levels the educational playing field.

Women in tech – best practices for gender equality

Gender equality in the tech sector has a long way to go. Especially when tech’s leaky pipeline sees women leave the industry at a 45% higher rate than men.

Tackle gender stereotypes at work to have better inclusivity

Lead researcher Dr Jill Armstrong discusses gender stereotypes and bias at work and practical steps for improving inclusivity

Government CSIIF invests a further £100,000 in developing diverse talent in cybersecurity

The Government’s Cyber Skills Immediate Impact Fund (CSIIF) invests in training initiatives focused on encouraging women, BAME and neurodiverse candidates into a career in cybersecurity.