Search results for: mental health

How to use your voice and privilege to bolster workplace safety

Simple ways to make the workplace a safer place for others

Menopause support: the company using data to discover what women want

Through data, Health & Her know the menopause symptoms that affect wellbeing and productivity, and what workplace adjustments women want

Women in IT UK: How to measure your social impact?

The Women in IT Summit UK 2022 considered whether real social impact will ever be achieved in the workplace

Black Inclusion Week: How to move to sustainable action

Accelerating change towards greater inclusion in the workplace requires collective action

Meet the four-day week recruiter offering staff ‘above-inflation’ salaries

MRL Consulting Group has reported a 30% productivity boost through a shorter week, what will above-inflation salaries achieve?

The pandemic greatly magnified inequality – so what now?

Caroline Casey speaks out on the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the disabled community

Supporting colleagues and yourself through stress in the workplace

Paysafe share how organisations can help reduce stress in the workplace

Hootsuite’s 2021 Impact Report shows commitment to change

Hootsuite’s 2021 Impact Report reveals some clear commitments to equitable change and positive social impact

Tips on creating real and effective anti-racist workplaces

Employers must create anti-racist organisations where ethnic minority talent can thrive

How to use inclusive language at work

Here, we break down inclusive language use for minority groups