Search results for: gender diversity

Female employment rate hits an all-time high in the UK

More women in jobs than ever according to new female employment figures.

The Valuable 500: disability inclusion in businesses campaign takes off

Caroline Casey explains why she started The Valuable 500 and calls on businesses to stop being ‘diversish.’

More businesses need to address and solve #MeToo issues

With new research on sexual harassment in the workplace, businesses need to establish how to prevent #MeToo issues from continuing.

Eliminating discrimination one step at a time

Creating a fairer society where people are not treated differently because of the colour of their skin, their sex, gender, sexuality or religion is central to British values.
Protecting people from discrimination is central to achieving that, says the Commons Women and Equality Committee.

Equal opportunities? The need for female participation

FedEE’s Secretary-General Robin Chater outlines findings of a study into gender discrimination and the need for female participation in the workplace.

Syncsort: championing D&I fuels tech innovation and business success

Dr Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at software company Syncsort, explains how a love of mathematics set her on her chosen career in the technology industry.

Mental health allies lead the way in MediaCom’s inclusion strategy

The MediaCom mental health ally scheme, novel recruitment process, and reverse mentoring are fostering an inclusive environment

Returners’ Programme helps dxw digital to re-launch careers

dxw digital is piloting a Returners’ Programme to provide opportunities for skilled people to re-enter the workplace after an extended period away. Managing Director David Mann explains why this is good for business and improving diversity.

Government reveals Investing in Women Code – a new initiative to propel female-led business

Plans to increase the number of British female entrepreneurs by 50% have taken a leap forward, with Women Code. Major banks and venture capital firms signalling their support.

Why women in STEM need to be the forerunners of change

Lori MacVittie, Principal Threat Evangelist at F5 Network, talks about her experience as a woman in the STEM industry and provides advice to inspire women in the sector.