Search results for: diverse talent

Global corporates, LGBT+ inclusion, and the power of advocacy

The Ukraine war, changing markets, and more young talent means firms must pursue a braver LGBT+ inclusion model

Google Cloud’s Larissa Suzuki on being a role model and mentor for women in tech

Female tech icon Larissa Suzuki details her experience as both a mentor and a role model for other women

How can we encourage greater ethnic diversity in clinical trials?

Greater participation from ethnic minorities in trials is crucial for health equity

Hootsuite’s 2021 Impact Report shows commitment to change

Hootsuite’s 2021 Impact Report reveals some clear commitments to equitable change and positive social impact

Are succession plans failing diversity targets?

Just six FTSE 100 CEOs are ethnic minorities. How can businesses improve succession plans to better support DEI

How to use inclusive language at work

Here, we break down inclusive language use for minority groups

Tech community seek solutions to poor diversity amongst London tech firms

Are reports and discussions enough to shift the dial on London’s tech diversity deficit?

Revealed! The 2022 finalists of The National BAME Health & Care Awards

We are proud to host the National BAME Health & Care Awards, which recognizes the hard work of BAME professionals

Companies should show, not tell when it comes to DEI initiatives

How HR leaders can develop a comprehensive DEI integration plan

Fearless Woman campaign spotlight: Nilly Sikorsky

City Hive kicks off its Fearless Woman campaign by celebrating the career of Nilly Sikorsky