Search results for: discrimination

How to eradicate microaggressions from the workplace

Leaders must take charge on first understanding then dismantling microaggressions

Advice for employers about being inclusive to Muslim employees during Ramadan

Ramadan is a big part of Islamic identity, and employers should support observant staff

How to spot and deal with microaggressions against transgender staff

Microaggressions can be just as damaging to mental health as other forms of discrimination

Make your organisation more diverse in 20 steps

Creating a diverse workforce is a constant work in progress, here are 20 steps to get you started

The new ‘neuro-equal’ workplace

Charlotte Valuer explains how firms can embrace neurodiversity in the post Covid economy

IWD: Key focus areas for organisations to #breakthebias

Career, leadership and how to achieve workplace equality tips in support of International Women’s Day (IWD)

1000 Black voices raising the volume for a fairer more equitable society

Dr Elizabeth Shaw founded 1000 Black Voices in the wake of George Floyd. Two years on we ask what’s changed

Accenture: breaking the menopause taboo

Sarah Garton talks menopause and Accenture’s steps to support female employees

How the ethical work climate can impact employee performance

Having an ethical work climate can align employees with your core principles

Books to read this LGBT+ History Month and beyond

This 10 book reading list reflects the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community