Search results for: company culture

Women in IT Summit USA 2022: A spotlight on Alley Lyles-Jenkins

…and why consumers incorrectly interchange Web3 and the Metaverse

Are companies DE&I washing?

Evidence suggests companies need to be more DE&I savvy, says Aicha Zerrouky

Women in financial services need allies like Mikkel Bates

The sector can’t afford not to be diverse and inclusive – there is simply too much competition

Osborne Clarke joins The World Reimagined arts education project

The project invites people to engage in complex conversations

The impact of digital communication on mental health

Businesses must explore more effective approaches, says a new study

EU Leadership quotas: The power of ‘AND,’ Vs. the tyranny of ‘OR’

Ritu Mohanka questions whether ‘quotas’ are a blessing or burden

Credit Suisse and Girls Who Code boost tech careers

During this immersion programme, 60 students will learn technical skills

iSAW shares how to accelerate gender equality

A guide to help companies to build a more inclusive workplace for women

iSAW sees gender equality as catalyst for accelerating ESG

Business leaders need to adopt new mindsets, says new study on ESG

Steps employers can take to halt the ‘great retirement’

…with many facing a skills shortage and struggling to recruit talent