Search results for: Training

Tackling board inequality with diverse junior talent

Concerns have rightfully been raised about the continuing lack of diversity in the boardroom.

What does an engineer look like? Exploring bias in British engineering

Almost a third of all engineering university graduates come from a non-white background, yet this number is not reflected in recruitment

7 ways to boost workplace diversity and inclusion in the next normal

A practical guide to diversity and inclusion in the next normal

SysAdmin Day: Time to Give Back to IT’s Unsung Heroes

System Administrators are the unsung heroes of any business, but they rarely get the recognition they deserve.

What will happen to the students and graduates of COVID-19?

As recruitment is no longer a priority, current University students and recent graduates are left without options.

Why is Black talent ‘opting out’ of corporate America?

The Black talent exodus: will the current climate force corporate America into action to stem the tide?

CBI launches London Tech Guarantee to help young Londoners

New CBI guarantee provides a stepping stone for young Londoners facing hardship to get into the tech industry.

New survey reveals businesses need to work on their employee experience

Only a minority of employees would give their workplace an exceptional rating regarding employee experience.

Future Stars of Tech Awards 2020: A look at the diversity advocates

As the Future Stars of Tech Awards 2020 celebrates the next generation of tech leaders, we focus on the nominees for diversity advocate.

Calls to support education leavers fuels World Youth Skills Day 2020

World Youth Skills Day 2020 highlights the need to give greater to support to education leavers to bolster business growth