Search results for: ERG

FTSE diversity targets ignore the real issues

Diversity targets fail because they don’t address the actual barrier: the bias in hiring processes says AnyGood.

As the Google walkout shows, money doesn’t always solve diversity problems

Sarah Kaiser – shares top five predictions for D&I in 2019

The Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustments

Demystifying some of the reasonable adjustments employers can make to comply with the Equality Act 2010 with Robin Christopherson MBE

The ROI of accessibility

Common sense approaches that organisations should be taking to their own accessibility and the accessibility of their products.

Extreme usability and the democratisation of inclusive design

Celebrating Ada Lovelace 2018 – Part One

The UK government’s immigration plans will hold back key sectors

Gen Z: blurring the lines between work and play

Peldon Rose research highlights Gen Z’s expectations of the workplace and the changes required to attract and retain top young talent.

Age discrimination in the workplace is slowly becoming passe

Cindy Galvin, executive coach & keynote speaker, explains why age discrimination in the workplace is slowly becoming passe and shares three ways to avoid it