Search results for: Black Lives matter

Why International Women’s Day 2021 should be about allyship

Various socio-political movements have altered the meaning of International Women’s Day where intra and extra female support is required to stimulate long-term change and create real equality

New breakfast club aims to tackle institutional racism in schools

Breakfast Clubs Against Racism launches crowdfunding appeal to help tackle the inequalities BAME communities face in schools

The BAME job application “boom” explained

Ethnic minority graduates are making more job applications than their white counterparts, is this a sign of growing inclusivity or are they simply battling bias?

US investment firm holds corporates to account on inequality figures

A US investment manager is hitting corporates with resolutions to make them publish their gender and ethnicity pay gap data. Will their investors care?

Race equality: moving from sentiment to action

Co-founder of Race Equality Matters and CEO of diverse recruitment firm Green Park, Raj Tulsiani is making a final call to action to employers as Race Equality Week enters its final few days

Workplace racial equality initiative demands active change from businesses

A new initiative is demanding more from organisations in order to achieve racial equality in the workplace

Precisely: driving the D&I agenda

How do you keep up the momentum of building a diverse and inclusive culture when companies merge? Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technical Officer at Precisely, has the answers

Ethnic minority leaders get a “reboot” from new digital campaign

A new digital campaign invites allies to join ethnic minority leaders in workplace diversity and inclusion discussions

Human-centric innovation: how to drive a trusted D&I future

Fujitsu’s Head of Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing – Kelly Metcalf – shares her top predictions for D&I in 2021

D&I needs to be part of the business strategy – an expert’s view

Vessy Tasheva takes a holistic approach when helping organisations embed D&I. 2021 is time to move beyond the virtual signalling