Search results for: diversity of thought

Northern Trust: strategy and data are key to boosting D&I in the workplace

Northern Trust’s Sarah Boddey knows first-hand the benefits of attracting junior staff from diverse backgrounds.

International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020: Why do we still need it?

Four influential women in science and tech share how the diversity issue is leading to social and gender biases in technology.

TripActions: fostering a good attitude, grit and a no-limits mindset

TripActions Meagen Eisenberg has navigated the ‘bulldozers’ to carve out over 20 successful gender-neutral years in marketing.

Your bias is preventing you from hiring the best talent

The goal of every hiring manager is to select the best talent possible. But will we ever see an end to unconscious bias in recruiting?

Women in IT Awards London 2020: CTO of the Year shortlist

In the second of our Women in IT Awards London series, we look at the achievements of those shortlisted in the CTO of the Year category.

Quarter of employees believe bullying and harassment are overlooked

CIPD’s new report calls on organisations to train managers to be more effective at managing bulling and harassment in the workplace.

Empty gestures and passive policies aren’t enough – it’s time for change

Chris Parke, CEO of Talking Talent, looks back on companies’ lack of D&I efforts in 2019 and what needs to change in 2020.

£50 million of start up loans in London go to ethnic minority entrepreneurs

Government-backed programme has issued 7,366 loans, providing £50m in funding to London-based BAME start ups since 2012.

Korn Ferry identifies emerging global talent trends for 2020

Based on input from talent acquisition, development and compensation experts from across the globe, Korn Ferry has identified emerging global talent trends for 2020.

10 things employers can do to help with dyslexia in the workplace

Employees admitting to having dyslexia in the workplace is a growing trend, but not something employers need to shy away from, says the British Dyslexia Association (BDA).