Nakisa Hanelly introduces enhanced diversity and inclusion functionality for HR teams

French Gender Equality Index influences the latest addition to the Nakisa Hanelly Insights suite measuring diversity, parity, and inclusion

Gen Z: How this generation could be your diversity and inclusion saviour

Gen Z is full of diversity-focused digital-savvy candidates. Why then are they finding it so hard to find work?

Most comprehensive diversity and inclusion report ever launched

McKenzie-Delis Packer Review is the first review of its’ kind to take a holistic approach to diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion critical to UK economic recovery – CBI president

55 signatories now committed to Change the Race Ratio campaign

New research reveals the justice industry is lacking in diversity and inclusion

When legal representation falls short: study finds equity, diversity and inclusion is lacking within many British law firms

Blind job applications surge in drive for greater diversity and inclusion

Tribepad’s software sees an increase in anonymised job applications across the UK as awareness of the importance of D&I grows

Why training in diversity and inclusion is a business’ biggest blind spot

Diversity and inclusion training courses are one of the most overlooked areas of many businesses, but they shouldn’t be…

Blind recruiting aids diversity and inclusion

Riham Satti, co-founder and CEO of MeVitae, reveals how technology can attract broader and more diverse talent

Is remote working hindering the fight for diversity and inclusion in startups?

As startups adjust to a new working from home model, has D&I taken a back seat? Here is what Perrine Farque at Inspired Humans had to say…

Top three diversity and inclusion priorities in the wake of COVID-19

With the Women in Asset Management New York Virtual Summit on the horizon, Tali Shlomo shares how the industry can invest in its D&I