Search results for: pay gaps

Gender pay gap reporting extension could fuel disinterest in inclusion

After April 4, employers will have another six months to publish their gender pay gap data, this comes after they weren’t obliged to share data in 2020 due to the pandemic

Black Girl Finance: challenging the lack of ethnicity pay gap reporting

We all already know about the impact of gender pay gap but what happens when we add on the intersectionality of race?

Lloyds becomes the first major bank to publish their ethnicity pay gap

Lloyds Banking Group reveals that its black staff are being paid nearly 20% less than their colleagues in new report

FDM Group celebrates gender pay gap triumph for another year

Companies risks widening the gender pay gap during the coronavirus pandemic, but FDM Group will not be one of them.

Ethnicity pay gap reporting – A walk across the minefield

As an employer and as a provider of payroll and HR solutions, Jeff Phipps is curious about ethnicity pay gap reporting. Here is why…

Why failing to talk about race is fuelling the ethnicity pay gap

It has long been taboo to discuss ethnicity, yet change can only come about once we have these conversations.

50 Years on from the Equal Pay Act, why is there still a gender pay gap?

As we reach the 50th Anniversary of the Equal Pay Act, a report suggests that the gender pay gap will not close for another 60 years.

Government halts gender pay gap reporting during COVID-19 outbreak

Enforcement of the gender pay gap reporting deadlines suspended for this year as businesses manage impact of COVID-19.

Unilever launches data service to ease Gender Pay Gap reporting

Launch of a new data analytical service set to take the strain out of Gender Pay Gap reporting for other employers.

CBI urges firms to reveal ethnicity pay gap data

New CBI guide shares key recommendations on how companies of all sizes can ‘Bridge the Gap’ in ethnicity pay.