Search results for: women in finance

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: why diversity and inclusion is more important than ever

Diversity and inclusion haven’t disappeared during the pandemic, so businesses shouldn’t be excused for thinking it.

Has the progress on the gender pay gap been lost?

A report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies has unearthed worrying truths about the gender pay gap during the lockdown.

Is executive-level diversity and inclusion the key to performing well?

Executive-level diversity and inclusion is on the rise, says new McKinsey ‘Diversity Wins’ report.

How good leadership leads to greater diversity

Good leadership is the key to a work environment where diversity can thrive, says startup strategy advisor Tzvete Doncheva.

Businesses answer the cries for disability inclusion – but we aren’t there yet

Airbnb, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nationwide, SAP, UniCredit and Wipro sign up to global disability inclusion movement – The Valuable 500

Minority-owned salons given access to funding during COVID-19

With salons expected to remain closed until July, SheaMoisture UK has stepped up to help minority-owned salons survive the crisis.

Future Fund loans showcase the lack of diversity in VC and start-ups

As 13 men devised the Future Fund Loans during the coronavirus, diversity has been left behind by the Government loan for businesses.

2020 marks a shift in thinking towards D&I initiatives

Nick Walker, Chief HR Officer, Paysafe, on how businesses should be thinking about diversity and inclusion in 2020.

Considering the equality, diversity and inclusion impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Why are underrepresented groups being disproportionately impacted by COVID-19? Emma Lawrence, Senior Equality and Diversity Policy Officer at The Nursing and Midwifery Council, explores a worrying trend.

If you’re not rethinking your workforce structures right now, you should be

In the first of our weekly Coronavirus Diaries, Gapsquare shares how it has been tackling challenging questions on workforce structures.