Search results for: Diversity and inclusion

Including everyone on the journey

Why leaders need to be humble, self-aware, and inclusive in this new, uncertain era, according to Korn Ferry CEO Gary Burnison.

Virtual Women in IT Summit 2020 – Day three recap

As we wrap up the Women in It Summit 2020, we look at how we can get more women and girls into IT and tech.

Female Ventures Fund to invest £10m in women-only start-ups in first year

New venture capital fund led by and for women will address inequality of just 1% of VC money going to women-only start-ups

Gender-investment gap: Why male venture capitalists come out on top

Britain’s Gender-Investment Gap accelerates with venture capitalists’ investment in all-female founding start-ups almost non-existent

Why failing to talk about race is fuelling the ethnicity pay gap

It has long been taboo to discuss ethnicity, yet change can only come about once we have these conversations.

New report reveals lack of representation in top FTSE 100 companies

An analysis of the boards of top UK companies reveals a continuing lack of black, Asian and minority ethnicity (BAME) representation.

Reducing racial bias in the workplace

Why emotional intelligence leadership training might be the answer

Black Lives Matter: Can sentiment in corporates change permanently?

Truvalue Labs’ Andre Shepley urges companies to take real action in response to racially-motivated violence in US

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.

UN urged to help those with disabilities amid COVID-19

New campaign by disability rights groups calls on the United Nations to ensure COVID-19 measures include people with disabilities.