Search results for: diversity data

Learning about race – Vicky Sandry’s journey to enlightenment

Vicky Sandry, General Counsel, Sky UK and Ireland, believes that the first step to increasing diversity and inclusion is awareness.

Gender pay gap inequality will not close without clear plans, says BITC

Gender pay gap reporting alone is not enough and should include a clear narrative and action plan with time-bound targets.

Code First: Girls teaches 10,000 women to code for free in the UK

Over the past 5 years, Code First: Girls has delivered £6.75 million+ worth of free tech education across the UK and Ireland .

Women in IT Awards New York 2019 — winners revealed!

On March 28, at a gala ceremony at Cipriani 42nd St, the winners of the second annual Women in IT Awards New York were revealed

How to keep LGBT+ staff safe in Brunei

Brunei is not considered a safe space for LGBT+ people

Bloomberg joins global campaign driving disability inclusion in the workplace

UK employees running out of patience with gender pay gap

Glassdoor reveals a UK gender pay gap still exists, but is slowly shrinking

TVSquared: why perfect is the enemy of good for women in STEM roles

Gapsquare: taking a leading role in shaping the future of fair pay

Gapsquare aims to square the pay gap disparities in the UK – and beyond.