
Why improving diversity in the cybersecurity industry can help solve its growing skills shortage

The lack of diversity in the cybersecurity industry is blatant. Digital Guardian shares how to overcome this undeniable trend

Fund management community tackles Black underrepresentation

Only 12 portfolio managers in the entire UK investment management industry are Black, and #100blackinterns wants to change that

Consumers call for brand advertising to capture their lifestyles and cultures

Portraying diversity in the workplace in visual communications can help make diverse and inclusive workplaces a reality

Three day celebration tackles COVID-19 for the Black tech community

As diversity in tech slips down the list of priorities, Colorintech celebrates the Black tech community during COVID-19

Do parents have enough support to teach diversity at home?

How are parents supposed to teach diversity at home with so few resources? The answer could lie in educational children’s entertainment.

The Black British Business Awards reveals 2020’s outstanding black talent

Going into its seventh year, The Black British Business Awards continues to celebrate the strength of the black British community

Tackling board inequality with diverse junior talent

Concerns have rightfully been raised about the continuing lack of diversity in the boardroom.

Let’s talk about race!

The floodgates have opened and we are talking about race in a way that we haven’t before

What does an engineer look like? Exploring bias in British engineering

Almost a third of all engineering university graduates come from a non-white background, yet this number is not reflected in recruitment

7 ways to boost workplace diversity and inclusion in the next normal

A practical guide to diversity and inclusion in the next normal