
Black British Business Awards celebrates the Black British community

The month-long celebration will culminate a landmark year in history for racial equity in the UK

New partnership commits to increasing diversity in communications

The communications industry is overwhelmingly white, but HP and TLF are partnering to bring representation to the industry.

Blind recruiting aids diversity and inclusion

Riham Satti, co-founder and CEO of MeVitae, reveals how technology can attract broader and more diverse talent

CBI sets out to Change the Race Ratio at the top of British businesses

British businesses are launching a new campaign to increase racial and ethnic participation in senior leadership

So, you’ve pledged to improve on diversity. Now what?

What does it take for business leaders to close the gap between rhetoric and reality on racial equity at work?

Africa’s leading AKÉ arts and book festival shifts online to celebrate black excellence

Taking place during Black History Month, Aké Festival is the world’s largest festival of black voices in the arts

OneTech and JPMorgan Chase shore up underrepresented entrepreneurs

The lack of diversity within entrepreneurs is an issue that OneTech and its peers remain committed to tackling.

8 questions analysts should ask during earnings in the wake of BLM

This new BLM earnings standard will help underpin corporate social and racial justice initiatives moving forward

Nominations now open for The National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021

Support and celebrate the extraordinary achievements of the NHS workers who have dedicated their lives to serve others

Knowledge sharing spurs the inaugural virtual Women in IT Summit Europe 2020

Tech has revolutionised the ‘new normal’; but how far can it go in ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion?