
Lloyds becomes the first major bank to publish their ethnicity pay gap

Lloyds Banking Group reveals that its black staff are being paid nearly 20% less than their colleagues in new report

U.S. business school holds itself to account on racial equality

Following an important year of reckoning for racial equity, Stanford GSB prioritises driving further DEI progress in 2021

BAME HCAs: a strong advocate against bullying and harassment

His knack for solving problems for BAME healthcare professionals earned Dr Syed Mujtaba Hasnain Nadir a National BAME Health & Care Award

Diversity and inclusion critical to UK economic recovery – CBI president

55 signatories now committed to Change the Race Ratio campaign

BAME HCAs: the true measure of wealth is good health

When BAME HCAs winner Dr Danso realised the healthcare needs of her friends and family were underserved, she decided to do something about it…

New inclusivity course wants bosses to end their silence on race

A convener of a new nine-week business course says leaders must start speaking openly about race if they want to create a truly inclusive workplace.

BAME HCAs: The multifaceted positives of the NHS BAME workforce

Her work to inspire BAME healthcare workers made Pamela Shaw and obvious winner at last year’s BAME Health & Care Awards

#talkboutblack: so…where do we go from here?

Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK

BAME people should make a case for more diversity

Centrepoint’s Seyi Obakin advocates for BAME leadership and, purging the world of the triggers of homelessness forever

CandidateX: working towards a more equal and diverse workplace

A new talent engagement platform is aiming to boost diversity in recruitment as part of a new community-driven movement – CandidateX