mthree tackles tech inequality with new diversity scholarship
New Aspire 1000 Scholarship levels the playing field for underrepresented groups seeking a career in technology
New Aspire 1000 Scholarship levels the playing field for underrepresented groups seeking a career in technology
Young care leavers face a multitude of hurdles when starting their adult life, but businesses have come together to make that journey easier
Free online course plans to educate people on gender history as studies show that toxic masculinity still lurks in society
As cybercrime escalates, moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots could help according to an Accenture report: An Accenture Cybersecurity Forum
Women’s Council Perspective
New research shows that if you want to keep your female staff at Unicorns, you need to put in more effort
Presenteeism is on the rise with employees feeling the pressure to turn up to the office at all costs, even when ill
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner partner named Black British Business Person of the year in BBBAwards, as winners are revealed
People with neurodivergent conditions are more likely to be excluded in the workplace and less likely to be hired
Leading HR analyst recognises and celebrates Culture Amp as one of this year’s strategic people leaders
Geoff McDonald’s new mental wellbeing webinar hopes to inspire employers and managers into positive action in the workplace