Search results for: blind hiring

Can data address the hiring crisis and result in more diverse and inclusive workplaces?

There’s a hiring crisis right now, can data address this issue and also aid in the creation of more diverse and inclusive workplaces?

Boosting the number of women in STEM starts with fairer hiring

The way STEM-sector firms are hiring puts women at a disadvantage

Championing diversity and inclusion through technology in the hiring process

While more HR leaders are identifying the importance of D&I in hiring, progress remains slow

Blind job applications surge in drive for greater diversity and inclusion

Tribepad’s software sees an increase in anonymised job applications across the UK as awareness of the importance of D&I grows

Blind recruiting aids diversity and inclusion

Riham Satti, co-founder and CEO of MeVitae, reveals how technology can attract broader and more diverse talent

Your bias is preventing you from hiring the best talent

The goal of every hiring manager is to select the best talent possible. But will we ever see an end to unconscious bias in recruiting?

Could blindfolded interviews be the answer to recruitment bias…

Is the perceived talent shortage actually just a confused recruitment process that is failing a third of new hires?

Driving diversity and inclusion in VC: the impact of the Newton Venture Program

Breaking down barriers the VC runs programmes for under-represented people to gain venture careers

How to embed diversity into your employment process

Diversity must be the red thread in your business – from hiring to promotions

MediaCom: diverse recruiting is the key to boosting social mobility

Avelon Thompson at media agency MediaCom reveals how an apprenticeship scheme is bolstering its work to improve diversity