Search results for: Employee resource groups

How employee resource groups can help drive equity and inclusion

Why are employee resource groups invaluable to D&I? Dr Don Trahan explains, ahead of his talk at the DQ D&I Practitioners Summit in March.

Crafting a comprehensive benefits literacy plan for your employees

Benefits literacy is essential for employees to maximise their wellbeing

What business leaders can do to support LGBTQ+ employees

Companies should know how to elevate voices from various identities

How can the public service improve its resources?

Public service resources at ‘breaking point’ but all is not lost…

A new tool to support employees’ return to work

It’s not always easy to get back to work after a long break: a new tool helps employees

Culture Amp: commitment and resources are key to effective DE&I

Only four in 10 companies have a dedicated DE&I employee…

Why networks for BAME employees are important

Make BAME networks connect to your organisation’s goals and culture

Global employee network leadership programme has free spaces

A digital leadership programme is offering free places to employee network leads

Employees more engaged with D&I than last year

Employees are more engaged with their firm’s D&I but minorities are still disproportionately feeling the strain of the pandemic

How to reintegrate furloughed employees in an inclusive way

Prioritise accessible communication, psychological safety and inclusive redesign, says industry thought leader Teresa Boughey.