underrepresented groups

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE fronts new campaign to recruit more Black STEM teachers

STEM from Black campaign aims to bolster diversity across teaching

Odgers Berndtson: DEI succeeds from the top-down and bottom-up

Daniel Glyn-Jones and Michael Drew reveal how Odgers Berndtson is spearheading better diversity in STEM

10 tips for an inclusive culture where diverse teams want to stay

DEI can’t succeed without an inclusive workplace culture

Hardest to reach children inspire new Micro:bit Python Editor

Micro:bit wants to close the digital skills and diversity gap

The danger of importing bias into the Metaverse

Who today is building tomorrow’s interactive world?

Two-thirds don’t speak up when seeing discrimination at work

Wates Group is calling for employees and businesses to be better allies

Company catfishing: Candidates swipe left on interview processes

50% of candidates reject jobs due to poor and illegal hiring practices

Your chief diversity officer is likely leaving

Or they have already left…

How to move the dial on gender equity in the UK

AMS’s Paul Modley outlines how HR can diminish sexism and lay the foundations for gender equity

New training programme aims to increase diversity on boards

Executives from diverse backgrounds will have access to a robust suite of resources