Diversity and Inclusion

NBCUNIVERSAL provides opportunities for diverse students

The news group’s new partnership supports their new academy which is providing education to diverse students

10 things men can do to close the workplace gender gap

Much has been written about the gender gap and often, it’s women who are doing the writing and speaking

FinTech and Financial Services urged to donate tech to support children from low-income backgrounds

Project highlights the growing demand to diversify the industry by inspiring kids from different backgrounds to look at FinTech

Was 2020 a watershed year for D&I? The blue touch-paper is lit for 2021

Chris Parke, CEO at Talking Talent calls for leaders to do more to make our working lives more agile and flexible in 2021

Why your employee approach can undermine business success

Expert’s game changing performance review strategy; a boon for business owners, department heads and human resource managers

How HR leaders can help women reach the top in male-dominated industries

For every 100 men promoted into management, 70 women are. Here’s how to tackle inequalities and elevate more women to the top

Turning Talk into Action: How to implement an effective DE&I strategy

Time to walk the talk when it comes to DE&I strategies. Sheree Atcheson, Peakon’s Global Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion shows us how

When legal representation falls short: study finds diversity is lacking in law firms

Only 29% of partner roles in large law firms are held by women, despite women making up 47% of the UK workforce

Employers must prioritise D&I efforts to champion workers in Lockdown 3.0

As the reality of the next few months sinks in, more parents once again face the hardships of home schooling and home working, or furlough

The pandemic has pushed workplace equality to breaking point

As coronavirus continues to take its toll, Talking Talent calls organisations to bring diversity and inclusion back to the top of the business agenda