Search results for: workplace equality

LGBT Great unveils Global Top 100 Executive Allies list

LGBT Great list aims to ignite support of LGBT+ issues across the savings and investment industry worldwide.

Ethnicity pay gap reporting – A walk across the minefield

As an employer and as a provider of payroll and HR solutions, Jeff Phipps is curious about ethnicity pay gap reporting. Here is why…

Fidelity International introduces new parental leave policy

Fidelity International parental leave policies herald a new era of gender equality in the financial sector.

Why has diversity and inclusion not worked in asset management?

Members of #talkaboutblack discuss racism in society and the workplace and practical steps to address it

5 business trends set to emerge in a post-COVID society

Virtual Fast Forward Forum’ un-conference’ sheds light on business trends likely to fuel the workplace impacted by the pandemic

How to drive the cause of women in leadership in your organisation

There is a clear business case for more action to bolster women in leadership. Juliane Sterzl, VP of UK&I, CoachHub has some ideas

4 things White people can do to be ‘proactive anti-racists’

Saying “I don’t treat people differently” is not enough. In this day and age, we need to be proactive anti-racists. This is how we do it.

Black Lives Matter – and that applies in the corporate world too!

In the midst of fighting a new virus, Etsy stands up to old prejudices in support of Black Lives Matter

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: why diversity and inclusion is more important than ever

Diversity and inclusion haven’t disappeared during the pandemic, so businesses shouldn’t be excused for thinking it.

Why the gender pay gap is at risk of widening once more

As researchers warn COVID-19 could widen the gender pay gap, many companies show no commitment to tackling the gap.