Search results for: working women

Gender equality is not a ‘women-only’ issue

Gender equality is more than just flexible working arrangements for women

Women in Finance Ireland Awards – the winners developing female leaders

Many winners are engaging in ally and peer mentoring to create more female leaders

How to attract more women into cybersecurity

Only a quarter of cybersecurity professionals are female

Women at greater risk of ‘invisibility bias’ at work post-COVID

“Invisibility bias” is an unconscious bias that can affect employees who aren’t office based

Healthcare systems need more women at senior level

Professor Nora Colton is on a mission to improve healthcare systems around the world

Addison Lee and UN Women UK to improve women’s public safety

Addison Lee has joined UN Women UK’s ‘Safe Spaces Now’ initiative as its transport partner

Diverse women bag top accolades at Women in Finance Awards 2021

The awards shone a light on the inspirational women who are diversifying the finance world

Equal Pay Day: the days women work ‘for free’ grows

Equal Pay Day is two days earlier this year, signifying the decline of women’s pay equity

How employers can support emotional wellbeing during remote working

Portugal’s improved work-life measures for remote workers is an example to UK PLC

View the Women in Finance Awards UK shortlist here

The shortlist has been released ahead of the awards ceremony on November 24th, 2021